Wir verkaufen nur an Gewerbe, Handel, Industrie, Vereine, Behörden, Freiberufler, etc.

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Our contact informationen

SKV-tec GmbH
Forchheimer Str. 4
91338 Igensdorf

e-mail: info(at)skv-tec.de

You can reach us during our opening hours:
Tel: +49-(0)91 92 - 99 53 14
Fax: +49-(0)91 92 - 99 52 68
Monday till Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Or you can send us an e-mail with the follwing form.

For protection of your private data, we need your consent to use the data from the form.


I agree, that the information, entered above, is permanently stored for communication. Note: Upon request the information will be deleted.

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